Tuesday, 28 May 2013

Honey Buzzard

The bizarre weather continues (for all western Europe, never mind France); yesterday was warm and sunny yet today has a forecast high of 14C and cars passing the house have their headlights on at 9am because of the gloom.
A honey buzzard was a welcome sight yesterday. Circling on level wings, not far from the house, it gave excellent views of its plumage including its distinctively barred tail. A stony field near Chatenet held a crested lark. Quite apart from the pointed crest, they always strike me as having a much slimmer build than skylarks and their plumage is duller and less contrasting. Orioles were calling from many locations as I cycled around but I did not catch a glimpse of one.
In yesterday's post I forgot to mention seeing a male montague's harrier sitting on the ground on the plains.

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